Eye Movements
This instalment brings to you a brief introduction into eye signals and how to tell if the person you are speaking with is telling the truth or not! So in this instalment we will bring you the basics into eye signals, what the various eye positions mean and whether the person is generally telling the truth or not.
When reading this material, please have the image of a person in front of you, as if you were talking to them.
If that person moves their eyes to THEIR left, it would be to OUR right. But we will be doing these directions from the other person’s perspective.
So when you read that the person’s eyes are to the left and up, this would mean they would be looking right from our perspective.
Try to think about this from the other person’s eyes.
These eye signals you will read about are not 100% accurate. Bear this in mind and only use the person’s eye signals to how they react to what you say or ask them.
We will also recommend some excellent books about body language at the end of this newsletter.
So on with the basics to reading peoples eye signals.
When speaking with someone and you ask them about how their day has been and they usually will reply “Oh, it was fine. How was yours?” You won’t see a lot of eye signals from this; these are almost pre programmed responses.
When engrossing in a conversation with someone and the topic you are talking about has some impact on them, or they are fully giving you their attention, you will generally be able to receive unconscious eye signals that will allow you to get a deeper insight into what is going on in the other person’s head.
Let’s first talk about looking to the left hand side. The left hand side is predominantly to do with accessing material from your past, like images and sounds.
So imagine for a moment that you are speaking to a friend of yours. You are discussing the plans for the weekend and what you want to do.
You mention to your friend about a new disco that opened recently, downtown.
Your friend looks up and to the left and says to you that he has been there already and that he had a great time.
You ask your friend what the music was like the night he went to the disco.
He looks left, towards his left ear, then says the music was great and he really enjoyed the night out.
So what has popular psychology told us about the responses from the friend?
Well firstly he looked up to the top left, like the image below:
This reaction tells us he is looking up to access images in his memory. This means he is “looking” at images of his time at the disco, a strong suggestion that he is telling the truth. Up and to the left signifies accessing images, therefore it has happened in the past.Be careful, he could be accessing images for “downtown” so make sure you pick your questions carefully. He may say he hasn’t been there and still look left, thinking of “downtown”.
You asked your friend about the music at the disco. He looked left towards his ear. This tells us he is accessing the audio part of his brain and is trying to recall the music.
A good one to try this one out is to ask your friend to describe to you what their door bell sounds like. Watch as their eyes move level with their left ear as they access the audio part of their brain. Even if they don’t have a door bell they will still look left, looking for a sound that they may have had.
After understanding the above eye signals we can look forward to what the right hand side has to offer.
Imagine for a moment you are talking to your friend about your car that you lent to him for the weekend.He hands you the keys and doesn’t mention anything about the smashed headlight.
You ask him about it and he looks to the top left. This suggests he is looking for images to associate with the smashed headlight. He then immediately looks to the top right. Now you await his response.
He tells you someone must have reversed into him at the supermarket and driven off.
Looking to the top right suggests the creation of images. This is a strong indication that he is lying to you.
Bear in mind that your friend may not react in this way as he may have had a lot of time over the weekend to conjour up an excuse. In this case always try to ask something that they may not necessarily be unaware of, like were they smoking in your car as there is a cigarette hole in the seat. See how the eyes move!
Next let’s take a look at creating sounds… Yep, you guessed it. Looking to the right ear is a strong indication your test subject is creating a sound.
There aren’t any strong examples that can be used in this context, only that you should be aware of it happening.You could try asking your friend to image a really loud noise, the loudest noise they could ever imagine, and watch their eyes move.
Please note that what you have read may not be 100% accurate and that people vary immensely. This can be used as a guide only, to help you with your investigations.
Just because someone looks to the right does not mean they are lying or making something up. They may be a nervous person, easily distracted, seen something to their right, whatever the case may be. So be careful if you are going to accuse anyone of telling fibs!
Temperature Conversion
This is a shortcut to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa. The answer you will get will not be an exact one, but it will give you an idea of the temperature you are looking at. Fahrenheit to Celsius: Take 30 away from the Fahrenheit, then divide the answer by two. This is your answer in celcius.
Example: 74 Fahrenheit - 30 = 44. Then divide by two, 22 Celsius. so 74 Fahrenheit = 22 Celcius. Celcius to Fahrenheit just do the reverse: Double it, then add 30. 30 Celcius double it, is 60, then add 30 is 90
30 Celcius = 90 Fahrenheit Remember, the answer is not exact but it gives you a rough idea. Memorizing the OSI Network Model
If you do not want to use a mnemonic (and let's face it, they aren't much good if you are unable to recall what the letters stand for!), you can link it into a scene using your imagination.
When I think of networking I think of my local PC world store.
This is the scene for my 7 layers.
In the shop I can see someone doing some Physical exercise. But it isnt a person, its a robot and they have a Datalink cable plugged into its foot! I follow the cable and I see it is connected to a rather large computer that has a big picture of a train on the screen. It is blowing its whistle too. The train represents Transport. Session makes me think of sachet of ketchup. I imagine seeing sachets dropping out of the computer screen and splattering all over the floor. But all the burst sachets of ketchup are ruining a lovely Presentation a sales person is doing for a customer in the store. Their big white presentation pad is getting covered with red ketchup. The sales person gets out an Application form for the customer so sign so as they can seal the deal but the customer says no as the Application form is covered with ketchup!
Resistor Colour Codes
It is a mnemonic for remembering the colour codes of resistors. Bold Boys Ravage Only Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Grey White How to remember which resistor has the value of 0, Black always reminds me of black holes, where nothing can escape, so this makes me think of 0! Therefore, the rest of the colours have the code 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 being white! Adding Time
Here is a nice simple way to add hours and minutes together: Let's add 1 hr and 35 mins and 3 hr 55 mins together. What you do is this: make the 1 hr 35 mins into one number, which will give us 135 and do the same for the other number giving us 355 Now you want to add these two numbers together: 135 355 ____ 490 So we now have a sub total of 490. What you need to do to this and all sub totals is add the time constant of 40.
No matter what the hours and mins are, just add the 40 time contant to the sub total. 490 + 40 = 530 So we can now see our answer is 5 hrs and 30 mins!
Longitude and Latitude
I have always wondered which way these go, is longitude North/South or East/West? Well here is a nice easy way to remember which one is which. Think of a ladder as it sounds like latitude. The rungs of the ladder are horizontal, going from left to right, or east to west. When you hear latitude you will think of ladder, then the rungs of the ladder. East/west, so latitude is horizontal. Therefore longitude is North/South or vertical!
Another method for memorizing longitude and latitude:
longitude has an N in it for North, so the north-south line is longtitude, so the other east-west is latitude
Here, try these . . .
The French word for
(feminine word) which sounds like LA FISH.
So we have for you a mermaid putting up a poster of a FISH.
Now try this one . . .
the French for
is le cheval
This sounds like SHOVEL so . . .
... we get you to imagine a Knight on a horse with a SHOVEL..
It is easy to remember the scene, because a picture paints a thousand words.
Again it is pretty easy.
... and certainly beats any other method you might see.
Here is another one.
la poule
It sounds like POOL.
So we get you to imagine a hen beside a swimming POOL with the Polish actress (a POLE) Izabella Miko.
The female POLE (which sounds a bit like POOL) Izabella tells us that the word is feminine. . .
... as does the red font...
That is pretty easy I am sure you will agree.
Here's great one that I really like. The French word for
which sounds like DA CORE!
Well take a look at the cartoon and see for yourself!
With memory triggers, pics and learning techniques like these you can see how easy and fun our language learning methods are. . .
Knight's tour
The Knight’s tour is a great feat of mathematical calculations that allow you to move the Knight around a chess board landing on all squares only once.
To see just how difficult it is, get out your chess board and try moving the Knight around the chess board in its L shaped motion. Imagine now that you were told to start on a particular square and do the tour from there. Or, you were told to finish on a particular square. The task will prove even more complicated!
There is a way to do the Knight’s tour starting on a given square or ending on a said square. You will nee to have completed the Dominic System at www.memorymentor.com/dominic_system.htm and you will be using numbers 1 though to 64 as there are 64 squares on a chess board.
Have in your mind a location that you can use solely for the Knight’s tour. I use a holiday resort in Tunisia that I stayed at. I chose this as the tiles in the hotel reminded me of a chess board.
The numbers you will need to memorise and the order they are in is below:
01, 11, 05, 20, 37, 27, 44, 29, 35, 50, 33, 43, 58, 41, 26, 09, 03, 13, 23, 08,
14, 04, 10, 25, 19, 02, 17, 34, 49, 59, 53, 47, 64, 54, 60, 45, 28, 38, 21, 36,
30, 15, 32, 22, 07, 24, 39, 56, 62, 52, 42, 57, 51, 61, 55, 40, 46, 63, 48, 31,
16, 06, 12, 18
In a situation like this it is possible to place four people from the Dominic System at each location. So in my first room, I have 01, 11, 05, and 20. But I don’t have four people in that room. I have two people. What I have is the first person, ie 01 (Ozzie Ardillez) doing the action of 11 Arthur Askey. So I use the image of a Bee for Arthur Askey so instead of Ozzie Ardillez kicking a football I imagine him doing kick ups with bees! You could imagine something different for example Ozzie could be running around waving his arms frantically in the air trying to get the bees away from him! Remember, whatever image comes to mind, use it. That is the image that will first come to you. Trust your imagination.
If you look at the bottom left corner (the black square), in chess, this is called A1. But we are going to call it 1. The bottom right square (white), is number eight.
I hope the picture is clear enough for you! Just start in the bottom left and you will be able to figure out which square is numbered with what.
So if you look at the list again, you can see, for example, 01, 11, 05, and 20 this is the route you take on the board. So 01 will be Ozzie Ardilez, square one, next route on the Knight’s tour, is 11, Arthur Askey. So if someone was to say to you to start from square E6, that would be square number 45. That would be Duke Eliington or whoever you have for number 45. You now know the next square will be 28, Benny Hill!
Maths and formulas
In this section I am not going to go into depth as to how to do various aspects of mathematics, but to show you how to remember formula and symbols.
When I was in college, I did actually use the techniques I am going to show you to remember formula.
Formula looks nasty. There's no nice way to put it. Big long formulas that you have to learn off by heart and the only way you know them is by saying them out parrot fashion. "... Plus minus B, square root A squared minus B squared over 4 AC ..." etc. You get the picture.
Usually you would do some example questions using the formula so as you can see it working. All to easily though the formulas are forgotten. Not to worry. What I am going to show you will make you remember the formula forever. Unfortunately (some may think) you will never forget it!
Starting off with a simple formula, one I think most of us will have come across many times while at school.
Area of a circle = πr²
This formula is really quite simple, most of you may even know this off by heart. But as an example, I will show you how I would remember this formula had I not already known it.
So, it is the area of a circle we are looking for. I need to find an association with area of a circle. Well a circle usually reminds me of one of those round abouts that children would play on. You held onto a railing and pushed the round about round and round!
Ok, so we have our scene, the roundabout.
The symbol, π, is called Pi, pronounced pie (the food).
So I would imagine lots and lots of pies piled onto the round about.
That's the first part of the scene. Next, the r²
R is the 18th letter of the alphabet. 18 is broken down to A H from learning the 100 people which you should have done by now. A H is, in my list, Adolf Hitler. He also has an action, the Heil Hitler arm raising action.
So Adolf Hitler would be standing beside the round about as the pies are spinning round and round.
So this is the scene:
The pies are spinning round and round really fast. So fast in fact that they begin to fly off the round about. Standing nearby is Adolf Hitler defending himself from the pies by doing his Heil Hitler action. He may even be catching some pies with his mouth and eating them!
The fact that I am using Adolf Hitler and his action, emphasises that the number 18 is being used twice. Counting 18 letters of the alphabet will give you R. Two R's is r²
The Quotient Rule is used to differentiate a y value of the form u/v.
The formula is:
So, the question is how do we begin to remember this?
Using the names and letters that we learned earlier the task of remembering the formula will prove to be quite easy.
Take the d/dx part first. Well this does come up in calculus etc quite a lot. The best thing to do in this instance is to memorise something that represents those letters. It makes me think if my friend Dee, short for Deirdre, and dx makes me think of ducks. So I could have my friend Dee, with feathers and a duck's bill!
Next, u/v makes me think of UV sunlight, so I would probably imagine a pair of sunglasses to symbolise u/v!
So that's the start of it. I don't want to tell you how to do it exactly, as it will not be the same for you. What you imagine first will be far better than learning what I imagined first. It is easy for me to recall as it is what I imagined. The same will be easy for you too.
Here's a good one. What's √2 ? I wish I knew
That's the answer! Each word represents the number of letters needed to give you the answer, so I = 1, wish = 4, I = 1, knew = 4: so √2 = 1.414
Absorption Spectrum
Location:When I hear or read “Absorption Spectrum” I will immediately think of a grassy wet field with a giant rainbow pouring into a sponge. I can see and hear the sponge getting bigger and changing to different colours of the rainbow.
Definition: A spectrum showing the amounts of the different wavelengths of light absorbed by the different pigments of chlorophyll.
Key: Spectrum = rainbowShowing = a show i.e. Punch and Judy show (puppets).Amounts = bag of moneyDifferent wavelengths = two beams of light of different coloursAbsorbed = spongeDifferent pigments = two fat pigsChlorophyll = potent smelling bottle of liquid (actually chloroform but sounds similar).
Story:I imagine, beside the giant coloured sponge, a Punch and Judy show (showing) happening. I can hear Punch’s squeaky voice. I notice he has two large bags of money (amounts) in his hands and can hear the coins clashing together as he waves his arms around franticly. All of a sudden, a beam of light appears out of each of the bags (different wavelengths), a yellow and a red one! Punch gets frightened and pushes both bags of money off the stage show and onto the floor. There is another sponge (absorbed) at the base of the stage and it starts to soak up the light coming from the bags of money. Two pigs (different pigments) come running over to the bags of money and each pig sticks his nose into the bags and are eating the coins! But one of the pigs gets greedy and wants to eat all the money himself, so takes out a bottle of chlorophyll (chlorophyll) and puts it under the other pig’s nose. The pig can’t stand the smell and leaves.
Location:When I hear or read “Accommodation” it reminds me of a hostel in Sydney I stayed at.
Definition: Changing the curvature of the lens so that light from the near and distant objects can be focused on the retina to give clear visual images.
Key:Lens = giant contact lensRetina = Bull’s eye on a dart board
Story:I imagine I am back in the room in the hostel I stayed at in Sydney (Accommodation). I imagine holding a giant contact lens and am bending it making it change shape (changing the curvature). I notice a candle on the table (near) in the room and can clearly see a beam of yellow light leave the candle and go into the lens. The window in my room is also open and a street light can be seen (distant). Its yellow glow too finds its way into the lens. I then notice the two beams of light coming together and focusing (focused) on the Bull’s eye (retina) of a dart board hanging on the door! I can clearly see the light on the Bull’s eye!
Location:When I hear or read “Acoelomate” it reminds me of an air seal in a submarine and then think of the Captain’s mate.
Definition:An animal that does not have a fluid filled body cavity that arises from a split in the mesoderm.
Key:Animal makes me think of a wild large brown bear.Arises = Aries
Story:I imagine the bear with a tube in his mouth. There is a pump attached to the tube removing all the fluid from the bear! The bear’s body cavity is deflating like a balloon. I imagine, beside the pump, a ram (Aries = arises) with a piece of wood in his hooves and splitting it in two. There are splinters of wood everywhere and the ram has really messed up the Dorm (mesoderm).
Action Spectrum
Location:When I hear or read “Action Spectrum” it makes me think of a soldier abseiling down a rainbow in a field.
Definition: A spectrum showing the rate of photosynthesis for each of the different wavelengths of light.
Key: Showing = Punch and Judy showRate = a receiptPhotosynthesis = a bushy treeEach = peach
Story:I imagine a soldier landing on top of the Punch and Judy show. He topples over and falls onto a giant tree and a receipt falls from the tree onto his face. Two peaches suddenly start to shake and beams of different coloured light (different wavelengths of light) start to emit from them.
Active Site
Location:When I hear or read “Active Site” it reminds me of a building site I walk past on my way to work every day.
Definition:The part of the enzyme that the substrate temporarily attaches to. It makes the enzyme specific.
Key:Part = Art easel (sounds like part)Enzyme = giant jigsaw pieceSubstrate = soccer substituteMakes = mortal and pester
Story:I imagine walking past the building site and see a giant art easel (part) with a picture of a bright green jigsaw (enzyme) on the white canvas. I soccer player (substrate) is standing beside the easel and sticks his hands (temporarily attaches) onto the picture. Then I notice a builder walking past the soccer substitute with a mortal and pester (makes) and he is grinding up a piece of jigsaw (enzyme). I shout up to him what he’s making. He replies he is making something specific.
Active transport
Location:When I hear or read “Active transport” it makes me think of a train journey.
Definition:This is the movement of molecules against the concentration gradient. It requires energy.
Key:Movement = flag (as in a people movement with a flag waving).Molecules = moles (moles have terrible eyesight so I imagine moles wearing yellow hard hats with a light on them to help see where they are going).
Story:I imagine I am sitting on a train. All of a sudden there is a loud bang and a hole appears in the train floor. The first thing I see coming out of the hole amongst the rubble is a flag (which makes me think of movement) followed by a group of moles, (molecules). The moles start to climb up the pile of rubble. It is a rather steep gradient (gradient). Half way up, one of the moles stops for an energy drink. (He requires energy!)
Location:When I hear or read “Allele” it makes me think of an alien in an aircraft hanger like the ones I have seen in lots of Hollywood movies!
Definition:An alternative form of a gene.
Key:Alternative = alternate (something that alternates, like a switch).Form = an application form, perhaps for a new job!Gene = genie
Story:I imagine I am in the aircraft hanger looking at the alien. He is holding onto a giant switch (which reminds me of alternative). Stuck to the switch is a sheet of paper (which reminds me of form), and a genie (gene) is having difficulty in filling it in as it is moving back and forth with the switch! The Genie is sticking out of a lamp.
Anaerobic respiration
Location:When I hear or read “Anaerobic respiration” it makes me think of my friend Anne puffing and panting after doing exercise at my local gym.
Definition:This is the release of energy from food without using oxygen.
Key:Energy = sports drink like LucozadeFood = hamburger
Story:I imagine Anne holding her breath on an exercise bike (without using oxygen). She is holding a hamburger (food). All of a sudden she opens the burger and a sport drink pops out! (Release of energy).
Note this image may seem to run backwards when you are reading it, but when you play it back in your mind it will all make sense!
Location:When I hear or read “Antibiotic” it reminds me of the isle in the supermarket that sells washing powder (bio washing powder).
Definition:Chemical secreted by bacteria and fungi, which can be used to kill other bacteria and fungi.
Key:Chemical = spray bottle of bleachSecreted = oozing liquidBacteria = a person’s backFungi = mushrooms
Story:I imagine my Auntie spraying a bottle of bleach (chemical) around the supermarket! People are sliding all over the floor because of her! All of a sudden a purple liquid starts to ooze (secreted) from her back (bacteria) and a giant mushroom (fungi) appears on her back and it too starts to ooze! There is a Witch sitting on a giant tin can (which can) laughing at all this and she takes out a gun and shoots (kill) the mushroom (fungi) and my Auntie in the back (bacteria)! What a sight.
Location:When I hear or read “Antibody” it reminds me of my Auntie’s house.
Definition:A protein produced by white blood cells in response to an antigen.
Key:Protein = Pro football playerProduced = cow (produces milk)Response = small hammer a Dr uses to check peoples reflexesAntigen = jewels (Antigen reminds me of gemstones)
Story:I imagine I am in my Auntie’s house (Antibody). There is an American football player (protein) in the middle of the living room milking a cow (produced)!! White and red (blood cells) milk appears to be coming from the cow! The footballer then takes out the little hammer and hits the cow on the back leg (response). The cow kicks back and knocks over a table that has a beautiful green gemstone (antigen) on it. I shudder when I hear it smash on the ground.
Location:When I hear or read “Antigen” it reminds me of a green Gemstone which may be found in a jewellery store. I immediately think of the jewellers in my local town.
Definition:A chemical, which stimulates the production of antibodies.
Key:Chemical = spray bottle of bleachWhich = Witch with a broomstickStimultates = stimulant such as a cigaretteProduction = cowAntibodies = Autnie’s house ( in this case I imagine her cat, which is always sleeping) I am not imagining her house as I have my location already, in this case my local Jewellers.
Story:I imagine I am in my jewellers buying my girlfriend a present. I notice the jeweller is spraying liquid (chemical) onto the glass surfaces of the display. I look into the reflection of the display and see a Witch (which)! She is smoking a cigarette (stimulates). I look up, shocked. I look at the jeweller to tell him what happened but he has turned into a cow (production)! He moo’s at me. He hand’s me a fresh bottle of milk which I drop by accident. Good job I brought my Auntie’s cat (Antibody) with me to lick it all up!
Location:When I read or hear “Autosomes” it reminds me of my local car dealership in my town.
Definition:Non sex chromosomes
Key:Non = NunChromosomes = Giant X placed on a placard
Story:I imagine several Nuns (Non) protesting outside my local car dealership. I take a look at their placards which reads “X” (chromosomes) on them. I don’t need to think of a word or image for “sex” as it comes hand in hand with chromosome.
Location:When I hear or read “Autotrophic” it reminds me of a tropical (trophic) tree growing in my front garden.
Definition:An organism that can make its own food.
Key:Organism = organ (like a piano)Make = mortal and pesterFood = hamburger
Story:I imagine sitting in the shade of the giant tropical tree (autotrophic) in my front garden. I am relaxing in a chair as I listen to the music being played on an organ (organism) beside me. How lovely it is!As I am listening to the music I notice the musician is making his own hamburgers (make its own food) while he plays!
Location:When I hear or read “Axon” it makes me think of an Axe hanging up in my garage. I use it to chop firewood.
Definition:A nerve fibre that carries messages away from the cell body.
Key:Nerve = red stringFibre = home made brown breadCarries = plastic bagMessages = envelopeCell = steel bar that would be on a prison cell window
Story:I imagine I am standing in my garage and there is red string (nerve) everywhere. I decide to wind it up and find a loaf of brown bread (fibre) attached to the end! I decide to place the bread into a plastic bag (carries) but forget I have some envelopes (messages) in there and get them covered in crumbs. I don’t want to get the envelopes any dirtier so I hang the bag on the end of a steel bar (cell) so my hands don’t contaminate them.
Memorizing random letters and numbers
Pre-requisites: Morse Code and Dominic System
I have been asked many times on how to memorise letters and numbers when they are all in the same group, for example a number plate.
e.g.. SG04 LUV or 3456L2X
This is quite achievable and only requires you to know the Morse Code and the Dominic System.
So let's take the example SG04 LGG
S = Sierra = Cab from our image from the Morse code tutorial
G = Golf = Sub
04 = Otto Dix from our list of people
L = Lima = Come
U = Uniform = Kit
V = Victor = Won
So from above you can create a scene to play back in your mind.
You might imagine a CAB pulling up (at the location where you need to memorise the number plate), and a football SUBstitute getting out. He is holding a painting (Otto Dix's action) and he is telling you to COME here and take it off him. You take the painting and hand him a new football KIT and ask him if he WON or not.
French ER Verbs
Below is a walkthrough for memorising the present tenses for ER verbs in French. We need to fix all ER verb tenses in a scene so we can visualise it when we need to call on it from memory. I suggest using your local town. Your town will have everything you need in it so use it as a sponge to absorb your vocabulary. Please make sure you have read the foreign language tutorial found here We also need to associate ER verbs with an image and EAR is the perfect one! Present tense makes me think of Christmas (presents!!) So I have my whole ER Present tense scene based around a giant Christmas tree that is on display in my local town. At the top of the Christmas tree is a giant EAR and there is lots of ear wax dripping out from it!! It’s all messy and sticky under that tree! So when I think of present tense it will remind me of Christmas, then the tree. If it is a verb ending in ER then I will see the giant EAR at the top of it and then my associated ER verb endings. We now need to find a commonly used ER verb to use as an example.
Let’s try Manger – To eat
Je mange ----- I eat
Tu manges ----- You eat (singular)
Il mange ----- He eats
Nous mangeons ----- We eat
Vous mangez ----- You eat (plural)
So now we need to set the scene. Manger – to eat We need to memorise the Je, Tu, Il, Nous, Vous, Ils part first and this is how: I would suggest the number shape system for this. That way you have a definite order to follow and it makes it much easier to recall it later on! 1 sounds like nun 2 sounds like shoe 3 sounds like tree 4 sounds like door 5 sounds like hive 6 sounds like sticks Ok so you get the idea with number rhyme. The nun is going to be associated with the Je, the shoe is going to be associated with the Tu and so on… Let’s look at that now: Number Ending 1 sounds like nun Je e 2 sounds like shoe Tu es 3 sounds like tree Il e 4 sounds like door Nous ons 5 sounds like hive Vous ez 6 sounds like sticks Ils ent So how do we remember which is which? Well when we do this it is best to memorise the endings to the verb also as we will have the whole tense memorised then. So at the Christmas tree I see the nun standing there. But what is she doing? She is Shouting out JESUS!! But she is saying it funny… Jesus. The nun is shouting out the Je part loudly but the sus softly! Now we need to incorporate the “e” of the ending of mange (French part of "I" eat) into our nun image. So I imagine a large Snail coming up to the nun and starts shouting out Je too!! The idea of the snail as an “e” is because the shell of the snail reminds me of an “e” withthe pattern of it. So now onto Tu –You and the number rhyme is Two Shoe So just then I see this giant Shoe kick the snail! (this helps to keep the image moving). I look up at the giant shoe, and can smell the leather off it! Wow it must be brand new! (helps to anchor the image). So I look at the shoe and it spits at me! Making a spit sounds like Tu – try it and see for yourself! I then turn to the shoe and say to it “Was that you, shoe?” And the shoe replies “yES” getting louder after the y. Try doing it as a whisper, it sounds freaky! Another anchor help. Number 3 is the “Il” linking with number rhyme 3 - tree. So I start to walk away from the shoe and walk straight into a tree! I look up and notice that instead of a tree trunk it is a giant fat eel! (the eel reminds me of il - French for He He looks at me and says “Do you mind, I am trying to eat” I look down and notice the Eel is using a knife and fork and eating snails!! The snails remind me of “e”, the ending of the verb. Number 4, door is linked with Nous. After walking away from the tree I walk to the entrance of a shop near to where the Christmas tree is… But I can’t open the door. Someone has thrown a cowboy lasso to make a noose (Nous)and it has wrapped around my hand! I can’t grab the door handle! But luckily my friend “the Fonz” (from Happy Days TV comedy!! Fonz reminds me of ons) rescues me! 5 is hive and links with vous which reminds me of Poo as in Whinnie the Poo (the bear, check Google if you are unfamiliar). So I manage to get into the shop and walk straight over to the sweets section. There I see some lovely looking honey coming straight fresh out of the bee hive!! And who better to be eating all the honey than Poo Bear!! But he is jammed inside the bee hive and I ask him how he got in there. He replies “it was EEEEZZZZZZ” (sounds like easy). This lets you know that the ending for Vous verbs is ez. I walk past Poo Bear and hear a cracking sound… I realise I am standing on lots of sticks (sounds like 6). I look down and see that there are lots of eels (ils in the bunch of sticks too! Eels remind me of Ils. I ask them what on earth they are doing down there and they respond “We are pitching a tent. Go away!”. The ENT of tent lets you know the ending of the verb for Ils. This method is easy. It lets you memorise the present tense endings very well. But like everything else you need to go over it again and again. I suggest doing it out once, then after half an hour do it again in your head, then an hour later, then when in bed, then in the morning, then when in bed, then once every couple of days. Believe me after a week or so of this it will stick. But whatever you do DO NOT miss going over it on a regular basis. I know what happens as I have done it myself. I say “Ah, I know it, I don’t need to go over it again!”. This is the time when it get's lost in your memory banks! Happy memorising!
Mental Shopper
This is a great effect by Doug Canning, and is presented here with his permission. Practicing and performing it will help you to learn the basics of the Phonetic Alphabet system so that you know it cold. In the original write-up of this effect (May 1993 Linking Ring), Doug mentions that many people say he just memorized all the prices, but are amazed how he could add them so fast. He doesn't mind, because they're still giving him more credit than he deserves for the work in this effect!
You hand the spectator 5 cards with 6 grocery item and their 3-digit prices on each one. The spectator calls out one item from each card, but not the price. Thanks to your powerful mind, you are able to not only recall the prices of the items, but add them up quickly in your head, as fast as a calculator!
Mental Shopper
Prerequisite: (This link opens in a new window)Phonetic alphabet
On a separate page, I have included a PDF File (opens in a new window) for you to download, which lists the items and their prices. If you print this file, and use pre-perforated business card (10 to a sheet) stock, you can simply pop out each card individually. Otherwise, just cut up the paper so that you have 10 individual cards. You should now have two complete sets of cards, with cards labeled A through E in each set. One you'll use in the effect, and the other can be a back-up set.
You are going to have your spectator(s) give you one item off of each card, from which you will determine the answer. There are two methods here, one mathematical and the other mnemonic. First I'll explain the mathematical method. Instead of adding five 3-digit numbers, you're simply going to add five 1-digit numbers. If the spectator were to choose, say, Maalox, Crackers, Bacon, Slimfast, and Tupperware (see PDF File, which opens in a new window), you would simply add the last digit in each price. In this example, you would add 3 plus 7 (which makes 10), plus 9 (making 19), plus 0 (which keep the total at 19), plus 1 (for a final total of 20. This “20” will be the total number of cents in the price.
To find out the number of dollars in the price, simply subtract the number of cents from 50. In the example above, this would mean that the final total is 30 dollars and 20 cents ($30.20). If the final total of the single digits had been, say, 22 cents, the final total would have been $28.22 (because 50-22=28). You'll get prices ranging from $11.39, up to $45.05 in this effect.
Since you're only given the product names, though, how do you know what numbers to add? This is where the basics of the Peg system are going to be put to use. Look carefully at the PDF file (opens in a new window). The phonetic sound that represents the last digit in each price in the peg system (the only number you need to know) is the first sound in the name of the product! For example, the “mmm” sound represents 3 in the phonetic Peg system, so you should instantly know that when the spectator says “Maalox” (which begins with the “mmm” sound) you know to add 3 to your running total. Quick, without looking, can you tell me how much “Vitamins” equals?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
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